Southern Peaks Regional Treatment (SPRTC), is a licensed Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility (PRTF) with a Therapeutic Designation by the Office of Behavioral Health for the State of Colorado. SPRTC utilizes an Interdisciplinary Team (MDT) approach which includes assessment, treatment planning, and intervention strategies that are developed through active participation from the adolescent, family, registered nurse, therapist, treatment supervisor, education staff, psychiatrist, placing agency, and school district of residence. An Interdisciplinary and client-centered approach is utilized to promote positive change to help the adolescent successfully return to a less restrictive setting.

Populations Served
Southern Peaks Regional Treatment Center is licensed to provide services to male and female youth ages 10 to 18 with significant emotional, social, behavioral, and/or psychiatric disorders that meet medical necessity criteria for a psychiatric residential treatment facility. Length of stay varies depending upon the client, progress in treatment and discharge plan.
Youth served at SPRTC have had exposure to complex trauma in their history. Manifestations of this trauma may include, but is not limited to, self-destructive behaviors, mood disorders, dissociative disorders, posttraumatic stress disorder, anxiety, attention disorders, depressive and attachment disorders, social maladjustment disorders, verbal and physical aggression, self-harming tendencies, suicidal thoughts, and/or sexually deviant behavior. Issues associated with multi-generational family issues including familial incarceration, substance abuse and addiction, child abuse, abandonment, and neglect are also commonly present.
SUB-ACUTE programming is largely group and community focused with an emphasis on moving forward with treatment and meeting program expectations. The program is designed to provide a supportive, structured environment that promotes success through development of pro-social behaviors and adaptive living skills. The treatment milieu is highly structured and predictable, thus providing a safe and nurturing environment for clients that need this level of care.
Bed Capacity-32, all female.
ACUTE programming is highly individualized, and youth must meet specific criteria to qualify for this level of care. In addition, mental health services must be deemed medically necessary and be prescribed by a psychiatrist.
Bed Capacity 12, 6 male and 6 female.

SPRTC implements treatment strategies which foster personal growth, enhance life skills, and increase competencies necessary for individuals to become responsible and productive members of society. Treatment interventions include, but are not limited to, individual therapy, group therapy, family therapy, social skills training, psychological/psychiatric support, and medical/psychotropic intervention.
Southern Peaks utilizes a trauma informed care model placing an emphasis on trauma ranging from emotional/verbal to sexual/physical incorporated with cognitive behavioral modalities such as cognitive restructuring and reframing. These components challenge learned behaviors and thinking due to trauma/maladaptive environments to deconstruct the unhealthy learned “normal” and teach/address healthy coping skills and safe behaviors/thinking.
DBT Skills curriculum is utilized to assist youth in learning to tolerate feeling uncomfortable and manage their emotions in a health and effective way.
EMDR is a trauma focused processing therapy utilized to help youth process and improve symptoms related to acute trauma events.
Southern Peaks partners with Mini Angel Eyes Equine Assisted Therapy and Learning Program to assist in creating a sanctuary environment for youth to process difficult emotions, trauma and practice emotion management and regulation.
Recreation Therapy utilizes evidence-based interventions to address the perceived needs of an individual.
Southern Peaks provides assessment and treatment of co-occurring mental health and substance abuse disorders with individualized substance abuse treatment for those youth who qualify.